20 June 2007

Falling behind...

Well again a long time between posts as I have been super busy. Do what you may ask? Well cleaning and getting ready for the summer. You know the house faeries don't just come and clean for me because I'm a nice person. What? You mean they should? I knew it! Well until they come I guess I'll carry on - it has to be done.

Last week I made some home-made granola bars. I saw a recipe for energy bars and I thought - yeah easily done and not a lot of expensive ingredients. So I set about to make my own with of course my own twist.

I brought them into work the next day for one of our meetings and everyone thought they were pretty good. I didn't make them very crisp (although I like crunchy things) but I did find them crunchy and soft enough. So here is the recipe for those of you wanting to give it a go.

MysticBunny's Granola Bars

300 grams Rolled Oats (not porridge oats!)
100 grams flaked almonds (or any other nut you prefer - I just happen to have this kind)
100 grams pistachio nuts (see note above)
75 grams dried berry fruit (cherries, cranberries, etc. work well)

Put all of the above into a bowl and toss to combine.

100 grams unsalted butter
175 grams honey (use something neutral)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Melt all of the above in a small saucepan until it is melted and amalgamated. Pour over the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Place on a shallow oven tray that is lined (parchment or greaseproof work well). Flatten out to the edges of the pan so that it is even. Please into a pre-heated oven at 180 C or 350 F and bake for 25 to 30 minutes until it is a nice toasty brown colour.

50 grams dark chocolate, melted

Melt chocolate and once bars come out of the oven score and cut them. Then to make your bars and then drizzle the melted chocolate over them. Allow to cool to room temperature and store in a tin.

Really you can use just about anything you want nut or dried fruit wise. The recipe is very adaptable and that goes for chocolate - if you like milk more than dark or white - use that. I just happened to have used what I had in the house. Now I'll begin to make these rather than buy those things at the store...just more of a reason for you to get into the kitchen! Enjoy!


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